Backyard Birds: Ducks

Ducks are attracted to water, so create a small pond or pool for them to swim in. They also like to enter ponds that have shallow edges. Be sure that the edges of your pond or pool are shallow enough for a duck to casually wade into the water. Put logs, sandbars, and rocks in the pond. Ducks use the pond for shelter and safety so placing something in the middle of the pond will give them a safe place to rest and groom themselves.

Plant grasses that will grow tall near the edge of the water, and do not trim them. Ducks are attracted to places with long grasses where they can hide and be protected from predators. Ducks will only go where they feel it is safe, therefore make sure that there are no duck predators in the area. Look out for cats, snakes and alligators, and call animal control to get rid of these animals so the ducks can move in, as well as for the safety of children and beloved pets.

Create a food plot for ducks to feed on when they are migrating. You may think about growing water plants both inside and around your pond. Ducks eat a variety of aquatic plants and will settle in areas where they will be able to feed. Some examples of plants that ducks like to eat are widgeon grass and wild celery. You could also place feeders near the pond, barely and corn are particular favorites.

Refrain from housing other animals near the pond, and give the ducks room to be comfortable. Ducks will not want to nest if there are other animals in close proximity, and they may also become defensive. Wooden duck nests placed in the woodlands near the pond will give ducks a safe place to nest and it is out of the way if you have a busy backyard. Of course you will also want to leave enough room for ducks to land, which should be about a 10 yard diameter.

Related: Building a Bee House

(Image:Insa S)

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05.22.13  12:00PM    KAREN B

Categories: backyard habitat,gardening

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